One thing that will probably never be fully agreed upon is the origin of Taijiquan. As this Martial Art spread throughout the world and became more known for its heart benefits it only makes since that the lineage of the styles being learned became the accepted one. But it isn't the only one. The most commonly known (in the Western world) says Taijiquan was created in Chenjiagou (Chen Village for ease). The first non-family member to learn this art was Yang Luchan of Yang Shi/Style Taijiquan and from here Wu/Hao, Wu and Sun were created. Unfortunately, this isn't the full picture.
The Zhaoboa Taijquan (& legendary) idea is that Zhang Sanfeng created the method that would grow into Taijiquan on the Wudang Mountains. Wang Zhongyue further developed this type of Martial Art and taught two talented students. One, Chen Wanting, combined these lessons with his maternal lineage Martial Art (that of the Li Family) to create what would be called Chen Taijiquan. The other student of Wang Zhongyue, the senior of the two, was Jiang Fa. He kept to the original teachings, sharing the Art in his hometown. Over the generations this method would come to be named after the town where it was kept, Zhaobao.
An important teacher of Zhaobao, Chen Qingping, had previously learned his Chen Family arts before switching to Zhaobao. He taught He Zhaoyuan who would create He-Style Taijiquan (this story is told in Cloud Hands) but also influence the other styles that came "from" Chen. Yang Luchan, the creator of the most practiced style of Taichi in the world today, wrote in his book: "I learned Taijiquan from Chen Village but mastered it under Chen Qingping of Zhaobao".
Of course, this is a simplified version and I will add an extended version at some point but as this evolution is told in Cloud Hands.....better read the book to see where history and legend overlap. The main point I'm trying to make with this post is that what we "know" is not the full picture. In hopes of avoiding the same half truth that most know as the origin of Taijiquan, Cloud a Hands also has the non-Zhaobao origin story in it. I can't say "hey, what about Zhaobao?" if I did the same thing and ignore the other versions.
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